Re: LLLand Info Trail語数とレベル表示のこと。

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126. Re: LLLand Info Trail語数とレベル表示のこと。

お名前: Kicco
投稿日: 2005/4/15(01:44)


先日は 遠いところ 勉強会に参加してしてくださってありがとうございました。

〉Info Trail、うちも買ってしまいました〜。
〉さんざん迷ったあげく、まずはInfo Trailを・・・

ついに 買ったんですね。私も買う予定ですが 月末ぎりぎりまで 待って注文です。
〉ところで、Info Trailの語数ですが、まずはずうずうしく伺ってみますが

昨年末から 多読学会の貸し出しをして頂いていたときに 語数表を作ってくださっていたので コピーがあります。
販売されているセットにあるのは BeginnerとEmergentですね。

Up the Big Hill 83
Addressing a Letter 179
Pick Up that Crisp Packet 139
Emma's Photo Album 94
It's Best to be Five! 135
Were The Old Days Best? 134
Whe Grandad was at school 131
The Day I felt ill 127
How to make a feely box 164
The Birthday Treasure Hunt 406
Don't Throu It Away! 165
The Pigeon Patrol 270
Are Mountains Like children? 477
The History of the Football 436
How to Dress a Knight 90
How to Dress a Queen 107
Did vikings Eat Chips? 400
Tongues 211
Come and visit the Moon! 400
From an Acorn to an Oak Tree 450
Does chocolate Grow on Trees? 400

〉例えばTrue-Falseものでは、質問ページの”True or False"というフレーズ、
〉答のページの"The statement on page 3 is"というフレーズや、



語数カウントに 入っているかどうか不明ですが。。

〉自信がないながらも、Beginner Stageはもう生徒の前に出したので、暫定の語数は出してあります。


〉もちろん裏側上部中央に"Beginner Stage", "Emergency Stage"・・・とは書かれています。

確かに ORTのノンフィクション版Firefliesは Stage分けされていて 色別になっているし 見やすいですよね。やっぱり シールで色分けでしょうかねえ。。



どなたか 既に色分けしている方いませんか?

私も購入したら 見やすく整理したいです。

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128. Re: LLLand Info Trail語数とレベル表示のこと。

お名前: 古川@SSS
投稿日: 2005/4/15(02:16)


SSSの天使、Ernieさんが 数えてくれました。
最初の2つの数値は  YL の幅です。(これは事務局による)

0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage A Scab on the Knee 123
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Addressing a Letter 200
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Did a Hamster Go into Space? 199
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Do all Rivers Go to the Sea? 262
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Does Cheese Come from Cows? 237
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Don't Bite the Bottom off your Ice Cream Cone! 132
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Emma's Photo Album 43
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Feet 134
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Have you Seen my Bag? 102
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage How to Make a Feely Box 144
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage How to Read the Sky 138
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage How to Write a Family Tree 211
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage I Grew a Sunflower as Big as my Dad 116
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage It's Best to be Five! 122
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Knucklebones! 176
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Pick up that Crisp Packet! 139
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage The Day I Felt Ill 119
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage This House is Too Small! 124
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Up the Big Hill 97
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Were the Old Days the Best? 128
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage What Shall We Have for Tea Tonight? 89
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage When Grandad Was at School 128
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Which Home? 127
0.5 1.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 1 Begginer Stage Would You Be a Bee? 171
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage A Millennium Scrapbook 330
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Alien Landing 499
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Are Mountains Like Children? 489
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Come and Visit the Moon! 408
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Come to my Party! 93
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Did Vikings Eat Chips? 545
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Does Chocolate Grow on Trees? 421
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Don't Be a Beetroot! 305
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Don't Throw it Away! 163
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage From an Acorn to an Oak Tree 279
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage How to Dress a Knight 76
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage How to Dress a Queen 86
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage How to Look After a Rat 262
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Is Lightning Most Frightening? 311
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Is Simba Happy in the Zoo? 317
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage London's Burning! 266
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage The Birthday Treasure Hunt 380
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage The History of the Football 373
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage The Pigeon Patrol 316
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage To Let: Modern Victorian Home 367
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Toilets Through Time 351
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Tongues 204
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Training with Ali and Emma 279
1.0 1.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 2 Emergent Stage Who Goes on the Bonfire? 373
2.0 2.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage A Day in the Life of a Roman Charioteer 2,247
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Come on a Desert Safari! 1,039
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Dr Jenner and the Cow Pox 988
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Five go to Wembley 726
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage From Pictures to Words: The story of writing 1,679
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage How to Have a Green Day 886
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage How to Remember Abusolutely Everything 1,204
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage How to Write a Biography 976
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Leonardo da Vinci: The greatest genius who ever lived? 983
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Poles Apart 1,254
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Romans Go Home! 1,400
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage The Death of the Dinosaurs 834
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Think About it! 936
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Why do Cats Purr? 1,091
1.5 2.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 3 Competent Stage Would you Like to Live on a Small Island? 923
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Abolish the Monarchy? 1,679
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Blood! 2,463
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Changing Schools 1,183
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Darwin's Voyage of Discovery 1,843
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage How to Build a Wildlife Paradise 1,922
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage How to Prepare a Mummy 1,236
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage How to Score a Goal 2,487
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage I Don't Want to Live For Ever! 1,963
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage If Towns Could Talk… How British Towns Grew 2,247
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Popclock 1,680
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Should We Go into Space? 2,128
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Stop Children Working! 1,698
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Stop the Shop? 1,726
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage Surviving the Volcano 1,945
2.5 3.0 Litercay Land Info Trail 4 Fluent Stage The King's Dinner 1,794
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version "Bears, Cannons, Blood and Trumpets:
Why Shakespeare's Theatre was Best" 1,904
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version Bleak Streets: Victorian London Exposed 2,214
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version Liquid Gold: Water on Tap 2,040
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version Pedal Power: Land's End to John O'Groats in 26 Days 1,858
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version Survival Guide 2,274
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 5 Independent Stage Acccess Version The Story of Scurvy 1,537
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version Inside the Mind of Susan Greenfield - Brain Scientist 3,087
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version "Northern Lights & Southern Sights:
Living in Alaska and Brazil" 2,237
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version Science on Trail 2,710
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version The World Beneath the Waves 2,233
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version Town or Country? A Victorian Dilemma 2,359
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 6 Independent Plus Stage Acccess Version Turn that Light Out! Home Life in World War II 2,355
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version "Bears, Cannons, Blood and Trumpets:
Why Shakespeare's Theatre was Best" 2,752
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version Bleak Streets: Victorian London Exposed 3,676
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version Liquid Gold: Water on Tap 2,910
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version Pedal Power: Land's End to John O'Groats in 26 Days 2,743
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version Survival Guide 3,417
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 7 Independent Stage Standard Version The Story of Scurvy 1,910
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version Inside the Mind of Susan Greenfield - Brain Scientist 3,892
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version "Northern Lights & Southern Sights:
Living in Alaska and Brazil" 3,213
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version Science on Trail 3,819
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version The World Beneath the Waves 2,957
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version Town or Country? A Victorian Dilemma 2,952
3.0 3.5 Litercay Land Info Trail 8 Independent Plus Stage Standard Version Turn that Light Out! Home Life in World War II 2,987

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129. Genre Range 語数とレベル表示のこと。

お名前: 古川@SSS
投稿日: 2005/4/15(02:17)


Ylmin Ylmax Series Level/Volume Title Words
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage A Better Letter 75
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Cats and Dogs 137
0.8 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage I am Miss Cherry 457
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Looking for Lucky 169
1.8 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Nursery and Action Rhymes 565
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Nuts 115
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Pip's Thank You Letter 94
0.8 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Poor Sam 456
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Postcards 148
1.8 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Rhyming Poems 903
1.8 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage Songs and Riddles 595
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage The Frog Prince 177
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage The Hare and the Tortoise 127
0.3 0.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage The Mouse and the Bull 101
0.8 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 1 Begginer Stage What a Mess! 454
0.5 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Bad Bert the Bully 397
0.4 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Ben's Get Well Cards 426
1.2 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Duck Pond 681
0.5 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Fatcat and the Mouse 300
0.5 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Frog Goes on Holiday 435
0.6 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Goldilocks and the Three Bears 496
1.2 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Jumbo 715
0.4 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage My Diary 195
0.6 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Sleeping Beauty 582
2.0 2.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Songs, Alphabet and Playground Rhymes 1,393
2.0 2.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Story Poems 1,884
1.2 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Sunita and the Wishing Well 719
0.4 0.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage The Blue Jackal 249
0.4 0.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage The Haircut Letters 357
2.0 2.4 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 2 Emergent Stage Tongue Twisters, Limericks and Humorous Verse 864
0.8 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Anansi and the Rubber Man 1,023
1.6 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Bye Bye Jasmine! 1,716
1.4 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage From Sam Summerday 696
1.6 2.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Poems are Crazy 811
1.6 2.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Poems are Noisy 1,136
1.6 2.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Poems are Quiet 1,122
1.6 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage The Collectors 2,052
1.4 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage The Donut Letters 699
1.2 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage The Jewish Gladiator 1,117
1.4 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage The Macdonald Diaries 775
0.8 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage The Man with No Story to Tell 866
1.6 1.6 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Tons of Lovely Cakes 2,181
0.7 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Zoomababy and the Great Dog Chase 643
0.7 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Zoomababy and the Locked Cage 818
0.7 0.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 3 Competent Stage Zoomababy and the Search for the Lost Dummy 510
2.0 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Abandoned Car 2,828
1.6 1.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Dear Grandpa 1,519
1.6 1.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Jojo's Diary 1,386
2.0 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Midnight Challenge 3,140
3.0 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Poems are ...Pictures 2,697
3.0 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Poems are ...Private 2,842
3.0 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Poems are ...Public 2,672
1.6 1.8 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Subject: Jokes 1,308
2.0 2.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage The Day Dreams Came True 2,912
2.5 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Two Asian Tales 3,005
2.5 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Two European Tales 2,189
2.5 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Two Folk Tales 1,972
1.0 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Zoomababy and the Mission to Mars 763
1.0 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Zoomababy at the World Cup 780
1.0 1.2 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 4 Fluent Stage Zoomababy to the Rescue 745
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version Jack and the Beanstalk: a pantomime 2,824
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version Odysseus and the Wooden Horse of Troy 2,769
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version The Adventures of Odysseus 2,853
3.5 4.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version The Highwayman 779
3.5 4.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version The Pied Piper of Hamelin 1,203
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 5 Independent Stage Access Version Toad of Toad Hall: a comedy 4,390
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version Gulliver's Adventures in Lilliput 2,579
5.0 5.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version "Magical Scenes from Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream" 3,491
3.0 3.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 2,609
5.0 5.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version "Supernatural Scenes from Shakespeare's
Macbeth " 2,856
5.5 5.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version The Lady of Shalott 610
5.5 5.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 6 Independent Plus Stage Access Version The Song of Hiawatha 605
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version Jack and the Beanstalk: a pantomime 4,318
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version Odysseus and the Wooden Horse of Troy 4,079
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version The Adventures of Odysseus 4,262
4.5 5.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version The Highwayman 1,000
4.5 5.0 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version The Pied Piper of Hamelin 2,092
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 7 Independent Stage Standared Version Toad of Toad Hall: a comedy 5,776
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version Gulliver's Adventures in Lilliput 4,000
6.5 6.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version "Magical Scenes from Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream" 4,875
3.5 3.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 3,995
6.5 6.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version "Supernatural Scenes from Shakespeare's
Macbeth " 3,197
5.5 5.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version The Lady of Shalott 962
5.5 5.5 Literacy Land Genre Range Genre 8 Independent Plus Stage Standared Version The Song of Hiawatha 948

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130. Re:古川さん、Ernieさん ありがとうございます。

お名前: Kicco
投稿日: 2005/4/15(07:58)


古川さん ありがとうございます。
さすが LLLの達人 Earnieさん、これは 全て 手カウントなんですね。すごいとしか いいようがないです。Earnieさんの 多読への愛に感謝します。

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131. Re: 感動のなみだ・・・

お名前: チクワ
投稿日: 2005/4/15(22:43)






Gerne Rangeの方は買ってないのですが、
Strange Streetの子たちが結構でてくるんですね。



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134. Info Tral及びGenre Rangeの語数カウントについて(補足)

お名前: Ernie
投稿日: 2005/4/18(18:41)








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135. Re: Info Tral及びGenre Rangeの語数カウントについて(補足)

お名前: Yoko
投稿日: 2005/4/18(20:40)


私も Info TrailとGenre Rangeは、この数日で30冊ずつくらい手カウントしたのですが、富士山にのぼり始めて、ふと見上げると、はるかかなたに頂上がある〜〜(涙)って感じで、さっき、この書き込みに気づき、感激していますm(_ _)m



生徒たちや(私も)児童読書手帳に語数カウントをスタートし、Info Trailと
Genre Rangeの面白さにはまり、




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136. Re:補足ありがとうございましたー。

お名前: チクワ
投稿日: 2005/4/18(22:31)













ぺこぺこ ぱんぱん ぺこっ。ありがとうございましたー。



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