You can find your name in my name!

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576. You can find your name in my name!

お名前: たこ焼
投稿日: 2004/12/7(00:12)


Hello, ako-san. This is Takoyaki.

The title means like this.
See? (^^)

I was very surprised when I noticed this.
I must be one of your relatives!
(Am I a steak of T-type ako?)

〉I, ako the frog, am a strange Tadoxist,
〉who loves Rosamond,
〉who loves strange way.

and who has a strange relative. (It's me!)

〉I read TOUKOU of Banana-san.
〉I read TOUKOU of Takoyaki-san.

Thank you verrrrrry much!
I also read TOUKOU of ako-san.

〉I read both.
〉I am happy.
〉I love their TOUKOUs.

Thanks. Your words make me happy 〜♪
Of course I love your TOUKOUs.

〉Mr Takoyaki,
〉I want to read the magazin soon !!
〉Today is ........still Monday.....ummmmmm
〉Thursday is faaaaaaaaar.........

Ahahahahhahahahahhah 〜♪
Did you enjoy the waiting?

〉akoはある日、何冊目かの Nate the Great を読んでいたら、
〉自分をお話の主人公ako the frog にして、書きたくなってしまったんです。

〉それで書いたのが、少し下のほうで投稿した「DETARAME STORY」でした。

I enjoyed it very much.
I want to read more.
Please 〜♪


I see. I see.

〉Elmo says ACHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
〉あ〜、すっきりした。 SABARA !

You have read many SIR books already, haven't you?
Did you enjoy お薦め本 in my Tadoku Magazine?
Please tell me someday (when you want to)
which SIR books you like.

Bye-bye 〜♪

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584. a great discovery ,,,I was astonished !

お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2004/12/7(22:10)


〉Hello, ako-san. This is Takoyaki.

Hello,. Takoyaki-san, ako-san.
This is Banana.

〉The title means like this.
〉See? (^^)

Ohhhhhhhhhh, or

I was astonished.
I was supprised.
I was frighten.

It was a discovery that people must not find.

〉I was very surprised when I noticed this.
〉I must be one of your relatives!
〉(Am I a steak of T-type ako?)

Oh, Me too.

I was surprised.
I had no words.
I was lost.

I am going to pee and sleep.

Banana the astonished.



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