Re: Can we change our luck?

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273. Re: Can we change our luck?

お名前: シーサイド
投稿日: 2004/1/25(00:22)


Hello, Moring-san.
This is Seaside.
This is my first writing in English on this BBS.
I read your interesting stories with pleasure every time.
I appreciate your devotion to this BBS.
This time you had an interesting experience.
I learned from your story that a positive and active attitude makes the situation better.
So we might be able to say that by behaving actively and positively we can attract good luck and change bad luck.
Happy reading and writing!

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274. Re: Can we change our luck?

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2004/1/25(22:31)


Hi, Seaside-san.
This is Moring. How do you doing?

〉This is my first writing in English on this BBS.
Thank you for replying and writing your message on this board.

〉I read your interesting stories with pleasure every time.
〉I appreciate your devotion to this BBS.
Oh, thanks again. I'm glad to hear that.

〉This time you had an interesting experience.
〉I learned from your story that a positive and active attitude makes the situation better.
〉So we might be able to say that by behaving actively and positively we can attract good luck and change bad luck.
Yes. I think so.
And this way of thinking should make our life easier.

〉Happy reading and writing!
You too. See you soon.



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