What is the wierdst song in the world ?

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214. What is the wierdst song in the world ?

お名前: ちんげん斎
投稿日: 2003/11/27(01:18)


Recently, our company had some guests from US.

On the last day of their trip to Japan, we had a small party with them.

At that party, I had try to make them laugh.

I asked them, "What is the the weirdest song in the world ? "

They "???"

Please, guess the answer.

The answer is "Weird word, USA for Africa"

♪Weird world、Weird children〜♪

It doesn't make them burst into laughter, but it did work.
This is the first joke I made them laugh.


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215. Re: What is the wierdst song in the world ?

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2003/11/27(03:17)


It's funy.

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225. Re: What is the wierdst song in the world ?

お名前: ちんげん斎
投稿日: 2003/12/5(01:18)





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