Re: English learner or user

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/7/17(17:59)]

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1164. Re: English learner or user

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2014/9/14(17:35)



Hello, fauree-san. This is Hiiragi.

〉1. Writing something

Writing something in English is great steps, I suppose. And such a difficult theme. You are great, fauree-san.


〉3. Now am I an English learner, or a user ?

In my opinion the point is wether

You adored English as idol and think finer language than Japanese (or any other languages, for that matter)

Or you see the weak points of English and think it as a tool, something makes your life better.

I'm calling you fauree "san" and using Japanese words instead of looking hard for correct English words, so I myself is English user in my theory. It is not the point how bad my English is.

It is the attitude to the English that matters.

Of course, it's just my own opinion, but I think it is what you asked to us. I hope this massage will be some use to you.

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1165. Re: English learner or user

お名前: fauree1845
投稿日: 2014/9/14(18:51)



〉Hello, fauree-san. This is Hiiragi.

Hello, Hiiragi-san.

〉〉1. Writing something

〉Writing something in English is great steps, I suppose. And such a difficult theme. You are great, fauree-san.

Thank you.


〉〉3. Now am I an English learner, or a user ?

〉In my opinion the point is wether

〉You adored English as idol and think finer language than Japanese (or any other languages, for that matter)

That's quite possible. Maybe I think really highly of English. But communication with English speaker has changed my opinion a little, just a little I think. I still love English or thier way of thinking.

〉Or you see the weak points of English and think it as a tool, something makes your life better.

Real communication in English isn't a tool, Hiiragi-san. Of course the activities unlike communication is important, too.

What I really want to say is that I don't at all what point is most important to me or other people but I feel that kind of thing is a personal one, rather than general.

〉I'm calling you fauree "san" and using Japanese words instead of looking hard for correct English words, so I myself is English user in my theory. It is not the point how bad my English is.

I think getting a conclution about whether you are using English or just learning isn't so much important to us all.

Some people think I'm using and learning English at the same time. I think it's also a good idea.

I just can't feel like that, nor can't think highly of Japanese than of English. I've been able to notice that point thanks to Hiiragi-san.

I thought writing somethink personally is almost a personal act but now, in reality , it isn't always true. Maybe you'd like to say something like that. I think your response like that.

〉It is the attitude to the English that matters.

〉Of course, it's just my own opinion, but I think it is what you asked to us. I hope this massage will be some use to you.

I don't think like that, which is a surprise to me.

I've just used English quite a lot for very short time and I'd like to summerise that experience, which isn't a good summerisation though.

Noticing other's opinion or reaction is good thing and thinking or having a second thought about that matter is also great.

The theme hasn't got only one answer. Thinking this and that is also important to us, isn't it ?

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1166. Re: I missed the point

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2014/9/16(21:03)


Hello, fauree-san.

I know I got your first massage's point wrong. And I missed the point of the theme. I'm sorry.

But it seems you didn't angry or upset with it. I'm reassured.

Writing English in my case, I always worry about how one who I write back feel. Of course, I concerned when I write Japanese too, but more so in English.

Writing something on my own, like cat's story is different. It's easy.

I know you are writing tons of E-mail in English. It must need a lot of courage.

My father who speaks English well (according to my mother, my father never said so) and who never taught me English, once said, in English, he likes telephone better than E-mail. Because if he makes mistake, in telephone conversation he knows at once, but in E-mail he doesn't know until he has the replay. ( In Japanese, he doesn't like telephone).

Baya baya. I heard Japanese has more confidence in writing English than English conversation.

I myself never had English conversation, but I now know one quoter of the feeling of my father. Though, if I wrote something bad to you in this Keijiban, I can apologize you in other Keijiban in Japanese.

Well, I don't learned English that much to claiming myself as an English leaner. I learning English by using English, it seems.

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1168. Re: I missed the point

お名前: ミッシェル
投稿日: 2014/9/20(17:34)


Hi, both of you.
I have another point.

I think that we just have different views of English, because each of us has different aim, that might be just at hand or much like a life work) of English.

I know fauree-san loves to be a proficient user of English with friquently skills. Perhaps langulage has imoprtance in his professionals, music.
You aim not only to enjoy English but also to communicate by English with forighner effortlessly.

Hiiragi-san and me are just language-lovers, Tadokists.
We are enjoying langulages itselves when we read books and what is important is "we can read and understand books".

In fact, fauree-san's goal is much much higher than those of the general Tadokists. So fauree-san is not sufficient his level yet and having a feeling as "learner". But we think you'are already "user"!!

By the way, I have been changing my aim since last year.
I'd like to become a proficient user, too!!

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1169. Re: I missed the point

お名前: fauree1845
投稿日: 2014/9/20(18:35)


Hello again.

I agree with Micheal-san's opinion.

I'd like to be a proficient English user so sometimes I seem to think philosophically in order to be able to think critically.

Sometimes it's good for me, but it's usually not so good.

Maybe I just wanted to satisfy only myself.

I don't know why I wrote the first message.

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1170. Thank you for your opening.

お名前: ミッシェル
投稿日: 2014/9/20(19:47)


Michael again.

〉I agree with Micheal-san's opinion.


〉I'd like to be a proficient English user so sometimes I seem to think philosophically in order to be able to think critically.
〉Sometimes it's good for me, but it's usually not so good.

Why not !? (this is a why-counter-punch!)

〉Maybe I just wanted to satisfy only myself.

If so, it was also good, because you gave us a chance to communicate each other in English.

〉I don't know why I wrote the first message.

Why? (again...)
As I said earlier, you gave everyone one chance to write in English.
Actually, many people think it is difficult to write here, because opening of theme is difficult enough.
So, any opening is welcome for us. Thank you again.

P.S. I couldn't check my writing at the last time because of short time. Now I found many misspells! Please forget them.

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1173. Don't mention it!

お名前: fauree1845
投稿日: 2014/9/24(18:29)


〉Michael again.

Thank you for your nice comment.

〉〉I agree with Micheal-san's opinion.


〉〉I'd like to be a proficient English user so sometimes I seem to think philosophically in order to be able to think critically.
〉〉Sometimes it's good for me, but it's usually not so good.

〉Why not !? (this is a why-counter-punch!)

I think I make a lot of mistakes, which has led to confuse others. That's my view.

〉〉Maybe I just wanted to satisfy only myself.

〉If so, it was also good, because you gave us a chance to communicate each other in English.

You're very kind. Your messages have made me feel relaxed.

〉〉I don't know why I wrote the first message.

〉Why? (again...)

I don't know..., just I feel like that.

〉As I said earlier, you gave everyone one chance to write in English.
〉Actually, many people think it is difficult to write here, because opening of theme is difficult enough.
〉So, any opening is welcome for us. Thank you again.

You're welcome.

〉P.S. I couldn't check my writing at the last time because of short time. Now I found many misspells! Please forget them.

Writing English messages by typing is very, very difficult.

So it's quite common for us to misspell.

Please don't care about that.



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