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お名前: まりあ@SSS http://buhimaman.at.webry.info/
投稿日: 2007/9/1(18:06)
Hello again, おはなみさん 〉- I feel the BBS are too many and the rule are too complicated to me. I somewhat think so, too. But there are so many postings in whole SSS BBS. Traffic controlling is innevitable, not good enough though... 〉- I tried to use mixi but I failed. 〉 But it was too complecated with the concept. 〉 As you say, some are good at English but the others are not. 〉 So you see, some are good at Computer but the others are not. If you want to be a business English expert, who can also do a translator or an interpreter roll (as you said in #9199 posting) , computer legitimacy must be essential. 余計なお世話かも知れませんが... 〉- I wonder why can you be so sure 〉 "This BBS is for XXX purpose" 〉 "To learn English you have to do XXX" You see on the top page SSS英語学習法は、「多読(Extensive Reading)」を中心に、 リスニングやシャドウイングなども併用して英語を習得する 方法です。 SSS BBS don't cover all the English learning way. I only say "To learn English by SSS extensive reading, you might be well do XXX" 〉- I wonder why you keep asking me 〉 'You have to care the beginners' 〉 What beginners? English learning beginners who starts reading by Oxford Reading Tree ( English text books for 5 or 6 year olds), I Can Read Book (books for infants) and so on. There are many who can read paperbacks also, they are cahtting at「英語のことなんでも」forum or offering advice for beginners at any other forums. 〉 I hoped you care me before you ask me. I cared you as an SSS Extensive Reading beginner by #9197 posting, but it seems you aren't satisfied as an advanced English learner. I never order or rule to anyone, I offer advice who want me for. If you don't want to accept #9197, it's O.K., I don't speak to you any further. Be happy your English lreaning way.
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お名前: Ryotasan
投稿日: 2007/9/3(05:51)