Re: My story related TADOKU-reading

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157. Re: My story related TADOKU-reading

投稿日: 2003/6/30(23:58)


HI, Moring-san.
This is GENKO(TSU). Nice to meet you.

Your story is very interesting. Maybe it seems that I had same experiences, but I forgot these.
While I am in SSS reading, I have many fun experiences. For instance I didn't read popular
overseas stories until I started SSS reading. So, Reading a "Anne of Green Gables", "A little Princess"
and etc. was the first time for me to read and it was very interesting.

〉What do you think this synchronicity (I don't know correct spelling, I mean two things happen at same time) ?

I think your experience is something lucky. You may have anothoer synchoronized experience.

〉Could you make sense?
〉And I'm sorry that I might have some mistakes in above sentences, because I did not use any dictionary for this writing like TADOKU-reading.

Your witing is clear and easy to read. It's not complement.
And I browsed your web page.
I am in the same age bracket of you, it is also very interesting for me too.

Anyway, Happy Reading!!

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158. Re: My story related TADOKU-reading

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2003/7/7(03:03)


Hi, GENKO(TSU)-san.
This is Moring.
Thank you for replying. And sorry for not replying soon.

〉While I am in SSS reading, I have many fun experiences.
That's good.

〉You may have anothoer synchoronized experience.
You were true.
I counted the total words count I read. Then I found I beyond 100,000 words
by this book "PRINCE WILLIAM".

〉Your witing is clear and easy to read. It's not complement.
Thak you.

〉And I browsed your web page.

〉I am in the same age bracket of you, it is also very interesting for me too.
Thank you again.

〉Anyway, Happy Reading!!
You too, Happy Reading!
See you.



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