Re: 日本についてのフォーラムも楽しいですよ!

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756. Re: 日本についてのフォーラムも楽しいですよ!

お名前: たら
投稿日: 2007/3/10(21:35)


おみえなしさん ありがとうございます。
Love and relations

relations between teenage Japanese boys and teenage Western girls
という トピックです。
i think japanese guys are the way to go. japanese mothers are so strict. the guys i know have been brought up really well.
Japanese guys are the way to go? What about the rest of us guys lol
And they generally said that many Asian boys are interested in white girls, but they usually think that white girls are not interested in them. That (and because of their culture) makes them not even try. And that makes asian-white relationships, especially asian boy-white girl quite rare.

I am a 17 year old African American, and I am attracted to Asian guys.

Before I met my current boyfriend, I've regularly hooked up with other Asian males (usually tourists who came to Europe to sightsee - yes, I'm European) and they were not hard at all to get. The only thing I had to do was approach them (my standard line was 'wow - cool camera!)'.
In essence, the things you have to remember with J and KGuys (in my experience) is to take initiative and let them know you're interested.


若い人々にとっては彼氏、彼女のことは 大問題ですね。



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