【BTFC通信】6/25新着 Mighty Fizz Chilla & Granny

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236. 【BTFC通信】6/25新着 Mighty Fizz Chilla & Granny

お名前: バナナ http://www.geocities.jp/mkawachi30s/
投稿日: 2003/6/25(08:43)




Mighty Fizz Chillaはおもしろそう!

■Mighty Fizz Chilla:Author - Philip Ridley

Milo Kick is no longer Mum's little 'angel'. Five months ago
something happened - something only Milo knows - that changed
him into a 'monster'. Unable to cope, Mum sends him to stay with
Cressida Bell, an old family friend, who lives by the sea.
Gradually, Milo becomes obsessed with stories about wild Captain
Jellicoe who lives in a nearby cave and who, in turn, has his own
story to tell. It is a story that will change Milo's life forever.
It is the story of Mighty Fizz Chilla.


■Granny:Author - Anthony Horowitz

What happens?
Joe Warden has rich but uncaring parents and lives a rather lonely
life, surrounded by luxury. He has always disliked his granny, but
begins to realise there is something very odd about her. As the
story unfolds he finds out some rather unpleasant things about her
and also begins to question her interest in him. If he dares to tell
anyone will they believe him, and if they do will they survive to the
end of the book?



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