Re:パピイさんありがとうございます 祝杯週末終了(笑)

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662. Re:パピイさんありがとうございます 祝杯週末終了(笑)

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2006/9/20(01:47)









じ、実は… Wordで書いたものを、メール送信画面にコピーした後、
で、その時に、「あ! ここ、ちょっとアレを書き足そう〜♪」



〉Series CreatorのDavid Salariayaさんは、スコットランド生まれとありますが、

支部長!!! それ、仰る通りでございますぅぅぅぅううううう!!



〉〉最初に読んだYou Wouldn'tの感想と、ニッポンでまだ4人ほどの人数ですが、「You Wouldn't」のファンクラブ作りました!!っていう話



〉〉ふだんネット上の手紙の最後を「Happy Reading」って言い合ってるんです、ってことを書いて、今回の最後に「Happy Publishing!」って書かせてもらいますね、って書いてみたんです。



〉〉「Happy Reading!」って書いてあった〜〜〜〜〜〜拍手(泣)







う…。 ふ、深い… 


なってます(笑)、なってます(笑) ありがとうございました!
「飲んだら書くな、書くなら飲むな」 … これはワタクシ自身の標語です(爆)

では「You Wouldn't」ファンクラブ員の皆さん、および支部長、

Subject: Big fan of "You Wouldn't Want to" from Japan

Dear David,

Hello! My name is ako xxxxx (苗字です。ここだけ伏せさせて頂きました), the biggest fan of“You Wouldn’t Want to “ Series in Japan !!
Nice to meet you.

Just the other day I first read one of this series, “You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Slave in Ancient Greece! ”.

I lost my words ! How terrific it was!
The most interesting and the most useful history book I had never read this kind of book !
I mean, as an English history book for children and teenagers,of course, for adults,
I had never had this kind of English book with the funniest idea !!
I know there are lots of English books for children that are written to learn history in general.

But !!!
I have never seen such an attractive title, YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO!
Besides !!
Main character is an unknown ordinary people.
Thanks to that, I could easily get into the story and could feel the same emotion as the main character.

And besides more !
I think readers can get a new point of view that gives us another point of view.
Different from the view which we got at school ( boring ) classroom.
I could say relative point of view?
I could even feel a good atmosphere that your office members always enjoy debating, discussing the plan.

Just after reading this one, I rushed to see the web site of The Salariya Book Company.
To be surprised, you had already published more than 30 books !!
Now, I am waiting for the others from Amazon(^^).

As a matter of fact, a friend of mine first found this series ”You Wouldn’t Want to”.
We are now exchanging our impressions with laughter and
enthusiastically excitement ! For example, about treating whale problem, which tends to get a little bit touchy and political, so your company needed to be brave.
That reminds me a movie, Brave Heart of Scotlant, your home country!

So, I made a Fan Club of ”You Wouldn’t Want to” in Japan !!
Now our members are only 4 people, though. But it sounds adventurous, doesn’t it?
As I usually use the Internet, I wrote “You Wouldn’t Want to Fan Club News” to lot of Japanese friends who love world history, and who love to read English books for children.

Yesterday we having a chat on the Net, one of my best friend of the Club said to me,
“Why don’t you tell the publisher of this series to make new “You Wouldn’t Want to” about Japanese history ! “
Great idea !!
Today I send this fan letter to you with our new idea, ( it can be a request )

”You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Japanese Samurai !”.

At the end of the Edo Era, Samurai had been suffered from economic problem.
But Samurai are so proud of their social status.
This gap can be an interesting story, I think.
I’d like you to think about this plan.

Our Group members always close our letter this phrase, “Happy Reading!”.
So today let me say to you for closing like this.
Happy Publishing !

Yours Faithfully, ako



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