Re: [世界史club] Khang Nyugen版 三国志:その4 張飛と劉備の出会い

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[お知らせ] 480. Re: [世界史club] Khang Nyugen版 三国志:その4 張飛と劉備の出会い

お名前: たいがあ
投稿日: 2005/11/4(11:28)



Khang Nyugen版三国志英訳は19世紀末から20世紀はじめにかけて中国に在留した英国人 C.H.Brewitt Taylor氏の英訳をKhang氏が現在英訳表記の主流であるPinyin式に改めるとともに明らかな誤認、誤訳を修正し,補注を追加し

(derfelさんはZhang versionとおっしゃられていましたがこのテキストは
The Romance of Three Kingdomsというサイトの英文(Khang Nyugen)



Liu Bei(劉備) was twenty-eight when the outbreak of the Yellow Scarves(黄巾) called for soldiers. The sight of the notice saddened him, and he sighed as he read it.

Suddenly a rasping voice behind him cried, "Sir, why sigh if you do nothing to help your country?"

Turning quickly he saw standing there a man about his own height, with a bullet head like a leopard's, large eyes, a swallow pointed chin, and whiskers like a tiger's. He spoke in a loud bass voice and looked as irresistible as a dashing horse. At once Liu Bei saw he was no ordinary man and asked who he was.

"Zhang Fei(張飛) is my name," replied the stranger. "I live near here where I have a farm; and I am a wine seller and a butcher as well; and I like to become acquainted with worthy people. Your sighs as you read the notice drew me toward you."

Liu Bei replied, "I am of the Imperial Family(皇族), Liu Bei is my name. And I wish I could destroy these Yellow Scarves and restore peace to the land, but alas! I am helpless."

"I have the means," said Zhang Fei. "Suppose you and I raised some troops and tried what we could do."

see you next time(maybe)...

次回はあの桃園の誓い(Peach Garden Oath)です。お楽しみに。。。



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