お話つけました。 New Trees (ORT Stage2)

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54. お話つけました。 New Trees (ORT Stage2)

お名前: リボンちゃん
投稿日: 2004/2/25(21:57)



「New Trees」 ORT Stage2 More Patterned Stories A

The Children went to the park.
There was little trees.
Dad bought the trees.
'Thank you,' said a lady. 'Come again.'
First, Dad planted the tree. 'It's very busy,' said Dad.
Chip planted the tree. 'Well done, Chip,' said a lady.
Next, Biff planted the tree. I wonder it will be bigger than anyone.
Wilf planted a tree. Wilf gave water.
'Come on, Wilf,' said everyone. 'OK' said Wilf.
Floppy found a bone.
Wilma planted a tree. The lady helped.
Floppy dig and dig. He put a bone in a hole.
Floppy barked and barked. They went to see.
There was a Floppy's bone tree. They laughted.
I wonder it will be bigger than everyone.



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