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13764. CUP のセミナー

お名前: 古川@SSS
投稿日: 2004/9/16(16:22)



Dear Teachers,

Cambridge Business Day September 25th

There will be a free seminar at the British Council in Tokyo on September
25th starting at 2:00 pm. The presenters are Michihiro Hirai (Kanagawa
University), Ivan Sorrentino (Cambridge University Press), Guy Perring (The
British Council), and The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc
(STEP). The seminar is aimed at those teaching or testing business English
and will cover both topics.

To reserve a place at the seminar, please reply to this email with
"Reservation" in the title line. Please let us know your name, institution,
and how many people you would like to reserve for.

2:00 to 2:45 Michihiro Hirai
Business Language Testing:

The speaker will first give you an insight into what kinds of skills are
most critical to, and most lacking in, Japanese enterprises. He will then
list some of the criteria that they should adopt in assessing employees'
English skills in practical terms. Citing the results of his recent study on
the correlations between different skills, he will emphasize the need for
boosting active skills in business environments. In this context he will
highlight the significance of the Cambridge tests, e.g., the BULATS, based
on a comparison of a number of English tests for "testability" and business

2:55 to 3:25 Ivan Sorrentino
Business Competence

What skills does a businessperson need to possess in order to be able to "do
business" in English? There are various competencies that business people
should master - linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. How can we, as
educators, help our students to progress in the limited time available? The
presenter will show various activities that tackle these very issues drawing
from the three-level series, Business Explorer.

3:35 to 4:20 Guy Perring
Assessing Spoken Business English

This presentation will look at the assessment of speaking for business
purposes. It will look at the different criteria used to ensure a
consistency of approach in measuring spoken level and look at a range of
material and activities that are appropriate for preparing students for
spoken business tests.

4:30 to 4:45 The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc (STEP)
An Introduction to STEP BULATS
This short presentation will include a brief introduction to the STEP BULATS
Tests, and a short demonstration of the Computer Test. The presentation will
be in Japanese.

Michihiro Hirai worked for Hitachi, Ltd. for 37 years, first as a computer
engineer and then as manager of an in-house language training centre. He is
currently a professor of technical English at Kanagawa University, and also
works as a translator and language consultant. As an avid connoisseur of
English tests, he has amassed 35 top-bracket qualifications in English,
including the BULATS standard and Cambridge CPE Grade A. Mr Hirai is the
author of two books in learning and use of practical English.

Ivan Sorrentino graduated from Cambridge University and completed his RSA
certificate in Cambridge in 1992. He taught EFL for two years in Barcelona
and then worked as a teacher and teacher trainer for four years in Tokyo.
Ivan joined Cambridge University Press in 1999 and as the ELT manager in
Japan he is now involved in presenting and coordinating seminars and
workshops covering the varied aspects of teaching and teacher training.

Guy Perring has worked at the British Council in Tokyo for the past five
years. He has worked at the teaching centre, has been in charge of IT
development and is now Exams Manager with responsibilities for exams
promotion and administration, in particular the IELTS examination.

For directions please click on the following url
and click on HOW TO FIND US (MAP)

To remove yourself from our emailing list, please reply to this email with
"Remove" in the title line.

Cambridge University Press Japan
1F Sakura Bldg.,
1-10-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-3295-5875
FAX 03-3219-7182


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