"Yellow" をOEDで引いてみた

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2493. "Yellow" をOEDで引いてみた

お名前: Ry0tasan http://tadoten.blog122.fc2.com
投稿日: 2021/9/4(20:45)



1. a. Of the colour of gold, butter, the yolk of an egg, various flowers, and other objects; constituting one (the most luminous) of the primary colours, occurring in the spectrum between green and orange.

b. Of the complexion in age or disease; also as the colour of faded leaves, ripe corn, old discoloured paper, etc.; hence allusively.
   The phrase in quot. 1605 has been freq. echoed.

†c. With allusion to the use of yellow starch (coloured with saffron). Obs.

d. Having a naturally yellowish skin or complexion: applied chiefly (often somewhat depreciatorily) to persons of Asiatic, esp. Oriental, origin, but also in the U.S. to persons of mixed white and Black origin and (freq. as yaller) to light-skinned Blacks.
   In modern use also transf. in yellow peril and similar phrases, denoting a supposed danger that the Asiatic peoples will overwhelm the white, or overrun the world.



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