The wonderful story of Hamako... Ooops, it sounded like...

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998. The wonderful story of Hamako... Ooops, it sounded like...

お名前: Cheeks
投稿日: 2007/5/31(20:39)



Thanks for sharing this lovely lovely weekend story of yours.

〉On Sunday, at afternoon, my husband and I lay on the floor with big pillows, where were by the window.
〉He was reading a book and I was eating an ice cream.
〉Sometimes we were chatting, I fed him my ice cream and we giggled by Boke & Tukkomi.
〉The sky was blue. That white lace curtains were swinging in a gentle breeze.
〉I felt so good. My five wits were filled with joy.
〉I thought this place is "the earthly paradise".
〉When our baby woke up (she slept in the another room), we drove out to a large park.
〉My husband hold our baby and we walked in the meadow.
〉There were a river, a pond and pools. We found frogs, tortoises, butterflies, flying dragons and many tiny creatures.
〉Then we hiked to a woody hill. We got a delicious breeze.
〉The hill has an observation deck and when we came to the deck, we sat on a bench and looked down a city and looked over the Akashi-kaikyo-ohhashi and shiny clouds in the blue sky.
〉I felt so good. My five wits were filled with joy.
〉I thought this place is "the earthly paradise".
〉I think the earthly paradise is everywhere. Don't you think so, too?

Oh, yes. That's depends on how you look at the world. Some can find total beaty in everything. I think it is kind of a gift to have a view like that. I bet you are one of them.

〉〉〉We'll meet when the time comes.
〉〉〉I'm looking forward it.

〉〉Yes! Yes! I guess at the right place and time sort of thing. I'm a strong believer of this ...inevitable coincidence. I'm not sure why and how we meet others but every single encounter seems have a message and I thank for that even if it seems unpleasant one. You never know it can be the most valuable lesson you can have.....

〉I see!
〉I'm a strong believer that like you. Actually, that idea becomes stronger day by day.
〉You know that we have everything what we need. It's around you and surely inside of you
〉How thankful!

〉〉I really appriciate your interests and encouragements. Actually, the story is in Sakai sensei's hand. He mentioned that he would add it to his bookshelf on his HP. I'm puzzled how it works but that's where you can read it.

〉Sakai sensei! How are you?
〉I can't find out your story on his HP.

I guess not yet. I'm not sure what he is gonna do with the story.
It is not really worth reading, anyway.
Yours is real one and much better.
It is really engaging.

〉〉I hope more people would start sharing their ideas using English without worrying about its quality. It is not about the quality. It is not about learning English, either. It is about sharing your ideas with as many people as possible because it is simply fun.

〉I remember that you wrote this... ah, "come in, come in, an easy going guy, a shy guy, a liar, a crier, a blabber, everyone. Then we can start to spin a story." ...ah, something like that. I forget...sorry.

Yap. something like that. But it wasn't mine, someone else's, a pro writer.

〉Years ago, (3 or 4?) we made "the chain stories" on this board. That was Izuko's idea. When I wrote in my turn, it has 3-5 lines, but I had a whole story's idea. Then another author wrote his/ her short lines, the story became unexpected plot. I had to get another whole story's idea and I wrote my short lines and when another author wrote his/ her short lines, the story became unexpected plot. I had to get another whole story's idea! It was very fun!!!

Sounds fun!
Hope I can read your story again.

Cheers, Hamako!!




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