Re: I like this way

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938. Re: I like this way

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2006/9/2(01:04)


Hi ako. This is Moring.
How are you doing?
You looks fine with this cheeky comment!

〉Today I read an English book,"Marvin Redpost Series". The title is "A Magic Crystal".
〉I am sure that a lot of Tadokists here had read this book.
Oh, I haven't read the book yet.
I'll look for it when I visit the SEG Book Club because I had
rejoined it again.

〉I laughed a lot when I read this part as follows:

〉"You're a stupid, stinky booboo-head baboon!"
Oh, it's a horrible sentence, isn't it?

〉I am laughing still now ! Again!
〉Suddenly, this part remind me of
〉the name of an English picture book I had read,
〉"Stinky Cheese Man and ....", (←I forgot the last part... Ummm)
〉which I had read the other day.
〉It was a funny picture book, so I remember.

〉Then I yelled with laughter,
〉"Hey, you, Stinky! I know you! I have just met you recently!"
It was a coincidence. And a coincidence like this makes us happy.
〉Besides, I feel like using this horrible sentence: You're a
>stupid, stinky booboo-head baboon! someone as a joke!
>(at some off-party of SSS!)
Don't use it on me.

〉Extensive Reading often gives me a lot of fun like this way.
〉Even though the words I could meet are easy.
〉So far, so good ?
Yha, easy words are important
Please continue reading easy stupid books for your health.
Happy Reading!



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