Re: I made ...<- Well done. Keep it.

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[楽] 914. Re: I made ...<- Well done. Keep it.

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2006/4/14(02:36)


Hi Banana-san. This is Moring.

〉I visited his blog site, I thought blog site was good to communicate with persons who live in foreign countries. So I made my site last month.

〉URL is the following.

Oh, finaly you have had blog.
Please keep it.
I had gotten blog site about two years ago just before
my visiting to Ireland. But I had written a article only once.

〉I write in English and in Japanese,
〉Only Japanese, foreign persons who don't read Japanese don't visit.
〉Only English, my friends who are Japanese don't visit.
〉It is why I made that way.
Oh, It's very good idea.
You may have many friend inside/out side of Japan.
Recently I have sent emails to one podcast program and they read
my emails on their program. They also gave me replys.
Let's make many friends outside of Japan this year.

See you.



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