I had sent a email to my favorite podcast program and got reply

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[報告] 910. I had sent a email to my favorite podcast program and got reply

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2006/3/26(00:41)


Hi. This is Moring.
I had sent following email to my favorate podcast program, 6620 West Kidcat, and I got reply for it on the program and email.

Dear Terry Family

My name is Takatoshi Morita. And call me Moring.
I'm a fan of your podcast program.
I had started to listen to your program from last fall.
And I enjoy your program every week.
Your program is very fun and interesting. I like it very much.
And your program is not only fun but also useful for me.

Actually I'm not good at listening English.
But Mike speaks to your children with their level of English.
Then your talking is like a leveled English listening program for me.

Every time I enjoy the William's knock knock jokes and his stories with laugh
even I cannot understand what is the point of laugh.
I like listening Hannah's speaking because she speaks rhythmically like singing.
And her level of English is good for me because I'm reading mainly
children's books for age 8 to 10.
I'm looking forward to listening Cheyenne's school stories of 4th grade.
Recently she didn't talk about school. I hope it will come soon.
Her English sounds like grownup's one for me, and sometimes too fast.
Dallas gave us very interesting stories. I enjoy them even I can
understand almost half of them.
And Rachel and Mike's talk also fun. I think if you talk about more
specific, means things around you or your family, it will be more

Now I'd like to tell my things. I'm Japanese. And I'm a grownup over Mike's age.
But I'm reading children books. Actually I'm a member of a book-reading club. The objective of this book-reading club is to read paperbacks for grownups.
In fact many Japanese want to read paperbacks in English. But almost Japanese cannot read them. Then at this book-reading club we get start with very easy book such as My First A I Can Read Books or Penguin Readers level 0.
Usually it takes one to three years to get ability of reading paperbacks for
And This book-reading club have online board, and our members in all over
Japan are talking about Children books and English.
Recently some of members introduce their favorite programs. Then, about two
weeks ago, I introduced your program, not iRiver but Kidcast, on it.
One of my friend said your program had gotten point of him and
he is listening your program from first one now.
I hope other members also will enjoy your program.

P.S. I'm using iriver, too. My model is N10, very small one.

Thank you for reading my mail.
Sincerly yours

-( Reply from Rachael Terry)---------------
Dear Moring,

Thank you for writing us a letter. I really enjoyed reading it. I am glad
our show is helping improve your English skills. Keep us informed on your
progress. Thank you for recommending our show to your friends. I see we
have more than one listener in Japan now.

I will try to get Cheyenne to tell more stories from the 4th grade. She is
still sick right now so she hasn't been going to school. Hopefully she will
recover soon and will have some stories to share with you.

Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your English!

Rachael Terry

My email seems too long for them.
I must make my email more short and have only one or two topics.
Any way I had reply.
If you want to listen their reply on their podcat program,
visit following web page. Then click program #37.


Happy Writing and Reading!


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