Re: This is a bulletin board for English learners through SSS method.

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/7/17(10:51)]

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8. Re: This is a bulletin board for English learners through SSS method.

お名前: コンロイ
投稿日: 2002/12/6(13:49)


Hi Furukawa-san, I am Konroi.

 First of all, thank you for your effort to setup new BB.
 And now ...

〉This board is aimed to discuss SSS learning method in Enslish.

 Did you mean the aim of this BB was only "to discuss SSS learning method" ?
 I guess we can have discussion and chat about various subject in English
 because of your message title. Is it right?

 Anyway, let me say "Thank you" again and again.



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