Re: I am sorry I made a horrible mistake !!!

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[汗] 763. Re: I am sorry I made a horrible mistake !!!

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/7/10(00:05)


Hello, again, Mr Banana.

I found I made a terrible mistake here.
Look at this ↓

〉〉This is ako, who is a member of the Association of LEAVE BANANA ALONE.

I wanted to mean [I will never leave Banana alone]
But this means completely opposite !

I should have written "I am a member of the Association of Never Leave Banana Alone"

Eh ? ...UNRWA ?
Oh no, UNRWA means some organization of United Nations.

I mean a small, small organization in SSS.

〉ALBA is great!
〉Thank you very much.

I'm sorry. From now on, ANLBA is correct.

〉I wish I deserve it.

You do. Already.(lol)

〉'In Ohtemachi, Do as Ohtemachi-OFF-persons do'(lol)


〉From now on, I am Baba the EOO.

〉〉Off we go !! For Ohtemachi !
〉〉See you next time, bye for now!

〉It was great time today.
〉You are drinking yet?

The time you wrote your posting is the same time as I left Izakaya-restaurant in...........eventually in Shinjuku(lol) Oh, no !! Wahaha!!!!!



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