Re: I thumb up too !

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[賛成] 685. Re: I thumb up too !

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2005/3/19(14:21)


Hi, Mr Banana. This is ako.

〉My son is a male.
〉I am a male.

Somehow, funny !

〉He understands that gesture's meaning.
〉he shows 'Thumb up' to me.

Interesting !
How old is your son ? He is great !

(You don't have to reply his age. It's your son's privacy.
This is an expression of, ummm,,,, an expression for,,,
Ummm, what should I say for this kind of thing,,,,
ummm, I mean, "Kotoba no nagare" in Japanese)

〉I thumb up to him,
〉he thumbs up to me.

and I do too to you !
Well then, see you !



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