I love reading

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[♪] 61. I love reading

投稿日: 2002/12/13(16:07)


Hello, my name is "HEYDAYS". This is first time for me to post a message here, SSS's BBS, in English and Japanese. And I'm sorry in advance for my English writing is not good sometime.

I would like to report that I passed 100,000 words yesterday. It has been 1 month since I started extensive reading of SSS. I have been enjoying reading the books very, very much. How enjoy and happy it is!!

Yesterday, I was at Dokusho-Soudankai in SEG and reported it to Sakai-sensei. I hope Sakai-sensei remember myself. When I reported it, Sakai-sensei asked to me that "Do you think you can reach 1 million words?" and I said "YOYUU DESU!". I think you could remember myself from this word, YOYUU.

I said "YOYUU", I meant that I read English in YOYUU. The reading English makes me happy, enjoy and relax. I don't want to rush to reach 1 million but enjoy. Just enjoy. It may take very long time for me to reach 1 million but I will enjoy reading English till I am in Heaven. I'm really appreciate for the extensive reading of SSS and Sakai-sensei!!

Thank you for taking your time reading this message. I will post again when I reach next step, 200,000.

Happy and enjoy reading!



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