Re: My favourite song: Can't Help Falling In Love

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605. Re: My favourite song: Can't Help Falling In Love

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2004/12/15(13:28)


Hi, Mr.Banana.
I'm hamako.

May I call you "Mr.Banana" on this board?
You can call me "hamako".
But call you "Banana" too simple for me.
I respect you, honestly.

〉I read the はまこさんの Toukou.
〉It remind me of my favourite songs.
〉One of them is 'Can't Help Falling In Love'.

Oh! me too.

〉I like to sing the song
〉when I am in KARAOKE party.

You're so lucky!
I haven't been go to KARAOKE for many years.
When our son's were so little, I and my darling brought they to KARAOKE,
but it was not so good.
Now, I wait for they grow up a little more.

〉I like to sing the song
〉when I remember my old days.

It tickles.
Have you unchanged mind?
Maybe for your darling, or someone else? (fu,fu,)

〉And I like a movie that the song was song in.
〉The movie's name is '恋しくて'.

I didn't watch the movie.
I'll rent it next week.

〉I like the song.
〉はまこさん's TOUKOU reminds me of the song.

I found it.
I like the voice of Elvis Presley.
I want to hear his voice.




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