Re: Congratulations !

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580. Re: Congratulations !

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/12/7(12:22)



Hi, this is ako.

〉I, Banana, found a Nate in my hometown's library two days ago.
〉He was a book, not books.
〉But as I found him,
〉I was happy.

Yeah, Great !

〉I wondered if there must have been a person who have request.
〉I felt him/her through the Nate.

It is really good to find that
someone likes the same books !

〉I wish there were more Nate in my hometown's library.

When I read your message, I think I will try to ask my hometown's library, "Please buy Nate Series and other Series."

Thank you for your message.



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