Re: Grrrr....! What a yacky juice (^^)!

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579. Re: Grrrr....! What a yacky juice (^^)!

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/12/7(12:13)


〉Hello, aaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooooooo-san!

Wow ! I feel me bigger. Too big, maybe.....(--;;).

〉〉I like banana, yellow fruit.
〉〉I like takoyaki, Japanese food.
〉〉I eat both.

〉 at one time ?

Of course NOOOOOOOOOT !!
Give me a break !!!!!!!!!

〉Do you eat Takoyaki, that has banana in it ?
〉Do you eat Banana and Takoyaki mixed juice ?

I don't want to imagine........

But I said I like strange things.
And I said I am strange.
So, I have to be strange.......ummmmmm

〉Sure! It is strange!
〉But I am happy that YOU eat me with Takoyaki-san !

I really feel strange.........

〉Your Majesty!(つづり自信なし)


But this word "Your majesty" sounds like.......
Ummmm, I should say,,,,,
This word is good for Maria-san and Mariko-san, SSS-Sisters! (打倒,叶姉妹)

〉〉Can banana(fruit) and takoyaki(food) swim together ?

〉In hot oil. ( you can cook anything in hot oil, perhaps )

Oh ! That's a good idea !
No, that's a terrible idea ! I imagine.....
Banana-san and Takoyaki-san are in hot oil ???
It is scary 〜〜〜〜〜

It is like the last scene in the movie " Terminater Part 2" !!
(Terminater got into hot, hot liquid iron(maybe) in the last scene)

〉〉I want to see............... (I want to say 見たいような…)
〉〉or I don't want to see......(I want to say 見たくないような…)

〉You can decide, only after seeing it.
〉If you don't see, you don't know whether it is good for you or not.
〉So, ( logical conclusion is ) you must see it.

I must see a fried-banana and a fried-takoyaki.......

〉〉That is the question.....

〉Now you have an answer, don't you ?

That is the question.....again.
This is also a hard case.
But I, ako the frog, have to solve this case,
maybe in the future.

〉If I meet you in Bookclub,
〉Please tell me funny picture books.

Sure !
Maybe in the near future.


Thank you for your reply. It was funny.
You can make everything funny.
That is great !
I really like your way of writing !

See you(fried-banana version) soon !



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