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577. Pollyanna

お名前: たこ焼
投稿日: 2004/12/7(01:17)


Hello, Banana-san. This is Takoyaki.

〉I, Banana, like Count Count(カウント伯爵) in Sesami Street.
〉He counts everything happily.

I haven't seen this Count Count.
If I have a chance, I want to see him.

〉I ,Banana, am busy, tired and blue now.
〉Cause I am working very very busily.
〉I have a lot of works.

〉I, Banana , go to work in morning,
〉thinking a lot of today's works.

〉I come home from work in midnight,
〉thinking of a lot of tommorow's works.

〉I am very depressed.

Are you all right?
You are too busy. And you catch a cold, don't you?
You don't have to hurry that ML setup.

〉Today, I count my today's happyness.

〉First is to meet with a friend of mine , 二十年ぶりに.
〉I was suprised very much.
〉It was a happiest thing today.

What a pleasure!
Twenty years … It's a long, long time.

〉Second is xxxxx.
〉Third is yyyyy.
〉(They are secrect of mine. I don't tell you !)

Ahahahahahhahahah 〜♪

〉I , Banana the depressed, am a little happy now.

〉Well, I am going to take a bath, relaxed , pee and sleep.
〉( It is not 'sleep and pee'. )

Ahahahahahhahahah 〜♪
Sometimes my son sleeps and …
It's his private. I can't tell you. (^^)

When I am depressed, I also count my happiness like you.
It doesn't come from your Count Count.
It comes from “Pollyanna.”
Do you know “Pollyanna”?
When you were a child, did you see the Karupisu TV Theater programs?
“Pollyanna” was one of the programs. 『ポリアンナ物語』in Japanese.
I saw this program a few times.
Now I forget all the stories of this “Pollyanna,”
but I can remember only one thing, “Yokattasagashi.”
「よかった探し」in Japanese.
“Yokattasagashi” means the action of finding the happiness.
When I am depressed, I do this “Yokattasagashi.
Then I'd feel a little happy.

Bye-bye 〜♪



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