I made , too.

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/6/29(19:56)]

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564. I made , too.

お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2004/12/4(18:14)


〉Hi! Banana-san. This is Azuki.
〉The massage was so impressed.


〉I remembered the word “Speak simply, speak fluently.”
〉It's my policy to speak in English.

Oh! It was great!
I will write/speak your way.

〉I'm so glad you have a fun to write.
〉I want to have a fun, too!

Me too.

〉So I decided to write some journal in Livejournal
〉after I read your massage. Thanks a lot, Banana-san!



And I decided to write in Livejournal
after I read your message. Thanks a lot lot lot!


And I added you to my Frieds-List!

〉I have written the journal two days ago.
〉There are just two journals, you can’t make a response, only read
〉but I'm glad if you read.

Oh! I see!
Just read.

〉Off course you don't have to make a response. Oh! You can't(爆).

〉Anyway I'm going to write this board too.
〉I'm glad if I join this board.






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