Re: Good try!

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477. Re: Good try!

お名前: バナナ
投稿日: 2004/11/3(10:59)


〉Hi, Banana-san. This is Moring. Hello again.

Hi, Moring-san. This is Banana.
I'm glad to see you again.
I'm glad to see your messages yesterday and today.

〉〉Have you read 'American Pie' or 'Kitchen Table Talk' ?

〉I had remenbered. I think "American Pie" are appendix articles of ラジオ英会話 text books.
〉Sometime I read these articles.
〉Those are very interesting stories.


〉If I was right, She had(have) been in Japan, may live in Sangen-Jaya.
〉And she likes this town and Japanese Saka.

Oh! Your suggestion is great!
I hope that someday you ,Tada-san and I could hold a sake-party with her!
Isn't it great?

〉〉I'd like to tell thanks to her and her books,
〉〉so I wrote an e-mail to her tonight,
〉〉I send it.
〉Well done.

Thank you.

〉〉I'm very happy ,waiting to get her return-letter.
〉I also look forward to her reply for your mail.

I show it if I get it.

〉〉Could I get her letter? I hope.
〉Definitely yes.

Thank you very much.
Your message cheers me up.

〉See you.

See you, Bye-bye



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