Re: That is why......................

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442. Re: That is why......................

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/10/26(00:06)


Hello again, Baba the Banana-san.

〉'ako the frog' is OK,
〉but please tell me
〉its meaning later.

Once upon a time, there were two of new comers here in SSS's BBS.
ako and Makoppe.
Makoppe likes to make reading plan.
He made a list of Tadoku.

One day, ako thought Makoppe looks like Toad of "Frog and Toad".

In the story of "Frog and Toad", there is a story "A LIST".
Toad made a list to do.

So, I named Makoppe "Mako the Toad".
And I named myself "ako the Frog".

〉I don't know
〉that ako is a frog or not.

Quack, quack ?? No,no.
Oink,oink ?? No, no.
I forget how frogs say.

〉But "Japanese and English" is 「日本語と英語」, isn't it?
〉What is 「日本人と英語」 in English ?
〉But it is another theme.

Ummmmmmmm, Japanese people and English ??
I dont know !!

〉〉I can't say these kinds of things in Japanese.......

(I mean I talked about pooping)


〉〉Never!! Impossile!!!!



〉(I don't think......Ups!
〉 Yes, I think so,
〉 if you say so.)

〉〉I am afraid of writing English more.......

〉Don't worry.
〉Don't be afraid.
〉You're great.
〉anybody doesn't care.
〉( I think so)

Im afraid that I can't stop talking about pooping or such kind of topics here.
Why ?
Now I heard you love Obaka-English !

For example, How many times did you poop last week ?

This is a serious question about your health.
I saw these kinds of QUESTIONs in a piece of paper in the hospital.
That was in the 人間ドック room.

Then, How many times ? (Completely Obaka-topic, sorry)



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