Re: Early New Year Present

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[喜] 265. Re: Early New Year Present

お名前: しお
投稿日: 2004/1/13(17:03)


Hi, Moring-san.

You were very lucky to come across such a good buy! Or it was bound to happen,not just a luck.

It reminds me of your message about synchronicity. (You found an article about Prince William in Newsweek and one of the books you had brought with you was PGR1"Prince William”.)
I read it last year and very impressed .So I wanted to write back to you, but Accidentally I deleted my whole writing and I didn’t have time to write all over again . I regret it.

These books are not exactly connected to something, like your "Prince William" events, but they are from Level4 to Level 8 and just right for you!



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