Re: Early New Year Present

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259. Re: Early New Year Present

お名前: rockman
投稿日: 2004/1/2(20:55)


Hi Moring! Happy New Year!  I'm rockman.

Thanks for your nice message. I could enjoy it so much.
I think you are a very lucky man. Because there are few opportunities
to get books written in English at used-book stores, I guess. These
books may be not very popular.

I live in a small town of Shiga pref, very countryside, so there is
no SSS book reading club around here. Then after I started SSS style
Extensive Reading last year, I had to buy all books I want to read.
It means I need much money, so I often visit used-book stores in
order to look for books good for me recently. But I could find no
books I wanted till now there.

So, I think you are very lucky. Those books you had got may be the
present from God for you, very nice and earnest book reader.

Anyway, your message informed me that there were chances to get books
I wanted at some used-book stores still now, though being very rare. 
Well, I will try again. Thank you!



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