Re: Australian foods

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246. Re: Australian foods

お名前: HANAE
投稿日: 2003/12/22(22:42)


Thank you for writing, Suzune!

〉Now Australlian wine is more popular than ever in Japan.
Yes, that's true.
The best wine in this season is red sparkling wine, I think.
We know white ones, but not so many people know red ones.
I like this very much, and I often used these as a present.
This time I could find other brand ones in Victoria.

〉〉4. Emily Rodda (She is an Australian! She wrote Rowan series which are very famous. Books which she also wrote are FAIRY REALM series, SOMETHING SPECIAL, TEEN POWER INC.series and so on. We can buy most of these from AMAZON, but I think TEEN POWER INC. series are quite difficult to get,maybe only one book from Japan).

〉Is she Australlian? I didn't know that.
I did not know, either.

〉〉Melbourne, crousing around Hobart, eating dellicious cheeses, and drinking wonderful Australian wines and Tasmanian beer!

〉It sounds very yammy.
I also have to tell you that fresh oysters in Australia are very very good!!!
I do not like fresh ones in Japan, but I did know the fact that the really fresh ones were really really delicious!!!

〉Have a good life and a good trip.
Thank you. I came back today.
I would like to continue this on the Tadokist no Hiroba tommorow.



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