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239. Re: DIAMOND !

お名前: チクワ
投稿日: 2003/12/12(00:13)


Hi, Suzune-san, Thank you for writing!
I liked your "poo" very much. IT is as beautiful as diamond!
4C of IT is great!
4C - carat, colour, clarity and cut(???) (Explosion!)
I believe you must have had much and good food (of reading!)

〉He changed her tortoise with another one.
〉These two tortoises are defferent one.
〉I live with cats.
〉If anyone changes them to others with same faces, same bodies, same voices,
〉I hates him.
〉I'd like to kill him.
〉I love my cats. Those are different from others with same bodies.

For readers this part is especially understandable
with your own experience.

〉"ESIO TROT" is a funny story as a novel.
〉But that's a novel anyway.

〉"Being honest is best." is not always true.
〉But I cannot accept his idea.

And this is the clear and brief conclusion(-what you want to say mainly).

Now please listen to me, Suzune-san.
My house is just near two big roads.
The day before yesterday, yesterday, and today, on these three days
I heard of car accidents outside of my house (just near).
And I rememberd when I lost my cats in car accidents.
Every time I was very sad.
. . .I didn't mean to make you sad or afraid, but I wonder if I did.
If so, I am sorry.
Please enjoy the life with your cats!

See you!

Moring-san, thank you for taking care of this square!
Newcomers seem to be coming and enjoying themselves, don't they?



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