Re: Being honest is the vest way?

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237. Re: Being honest is the vest way?

お名前: 涼音
投稿日: 2003/12/11(10:51)


This is Suzune, meaning "cooling sound"(laugh).

Attention please!

> I have read "ESIO TROT" by Roald Dahl.
> After this I'm thinking about being honest.
> The hero of this book, the old man, made trick. But he could get happy.
> And the heroin , the old lady, who believe lie also got happy.
> And he might not tell her the true forever.
> Is he honest? Absolutely NO.
> But is he bad? Maybe no.

Is he honest? Off course, no.
Is he bad? Umm, that's important.
And I think he is BAD.
That's a terrible thing.
That's a awful thing.
If I were her, I would get angry with the truth.

He changed her tortoise with another one.
These two tortoises are defferent one.
I live with cats.
If anyone changes them to others with same faces, same bodies, same voices,
I hates him.
I'd like to kill him.
I love my cats. Those are different from others with same bodies.

"ESIO TROT" is a funny story as a novel.
But that's a novel anyway.

"Being honest is best." is not always true.
But I cannot accept his idea.

Thank you.

This is my first poo.



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