Being honest is the vest way?

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236. Being honest is the vest way?

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2003/12/11(01:17)


Hi, this is Moring.

I have read "ESIO TROT" by Roald Dahl.
After this I'm thinking about being honest.
The hero of this book, the old man, made trick. But he could get happy.
And the heroin , the old lady, who believe lie also got happy.
And he might not tell her the true forever.
Is he honest? Absolutely NO.
But is he bad? Maybe no.

I don't know if you know I have heavy skin condition long time. But I have.
Sometime people get arrergy, then they feel bad.
When one of my friend get this kind of feeling, what I should say.
If I would say my condition is more bad, he/she mind bad feeling against me
or get angry.
But if I would say sorry for his/her bad condition first, he/she might say,
"no, I think your condition is more bad than me."
Is this interesting?
If you want to get attention to your condition, you might not tell this honestly.
Instead of this you must say some kind things to others first.
This is not honest, but the vest way.

Happy Reading!


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