Re: The Egg-Taro - Chapter 2. The Wall (続き書いて!)

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223. Re: The Egg-Taro - Chapter 2. The Wall (続き書いて!)

お名前: チクワ
投稿日: 2003/12/4(00:07)


Granpa and Granma named the baby Egg-Taro, and the three lived happily.

Egg Taro became five years old. He had a friend in his neighborhood.
His name was Makio . They were the same age.
They played outdoors every day. They played very actively.
They climbed up tall trees, and look down over the houses and people.
They rose up onto a bridge over the river and jumped in it.
They ran and ran through the country roads, laughing every day.

One day, they went to a playing place at the edge of the village.
They often went there, and so did many other children.
Children found there a wall. It was made of bricks.
It was not very high - about 50 cm high, and about 10 meters long.
"The wall was not here yesterday, was not it?", said one of the children.
"No, it wasn't. Who made it?"
"I don't know!, but it looks fun! Let's go onto it!"

Chidren ran through on the wall from one end to the other.
Most of the children enjoyed it, but only Egg Taro did not join them.
"Hey, Egg Taro, come on!" Makio called him.
"No..., I won't." said Egg Taro.
"Are you afraid of it? You can climb a very high tree, I know.
The wall is not very high, you see?"
"I..., I don't like the wall. Oh..., someone is singing to me.
I think it is from behind the wall."
"From behind the wall?" Makio ran up to the wall, and looked for
anyone. He didn't find anyone, and told Egg Taro so.

"What song is it?" asked Makio
"Granpa and Granma never sang it to me, but I know the song.
It sounds happy, but it sounds dangerous too!"
"Dangerous happy song?" Makio was puzzled.
"I..., I'll go back home. Sorry! See you tomorrow!"
"Hey, Egg Taro! Wait! Are you okay?"
Makio stood there alone, worrying of Egg Taro.

Thank you very much for starting this playing, Morin-san!

でも、展開させにくいかもですので、the wallは無視してもいーですよ。

モーリンさんのを読み返してみたら、Long long time ago(合ってる?)




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