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[質問] 205. Re: SUNSPOT

お名前: 酒井@SSS
投稿日: 2003/11/3(23:50)


Thank you, Ken-san, for a very interesting point.

If the apparent movement was horizontally 'wrong',
it could have been explained away by some kind of
optical reason, but a vertical movement would seem
much more difficult to tell why, unless the sun
rotates on a plane at right angles to that of the
earth and other planets.

Could anyone please explain what is happening here?

〉Last week, I observed sunspots two days through black glasses.
〉The first day, I found two big sunspots. They were in the lower right from the center.
〉On the next day, when I observed it, they were in the upper right from the center.
〉I was very surprised because I thought the sunspots move horizontally.
〉But, I was wrong. It seemed they moved vertical.
〉I wonder how the axis of solar points?



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