Re: Journey to the center of the Earth, and other books

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[質問] 200. Re: Journey to the center of the Earth, and other books

お名前: 酒井@SSS
投稿日: 2003/10/19(23:15)


Hi, けんさん

I enjoyed reading 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'
enormously when I was little. I would like to read it
in English again so could you tell me which edition
your copy was?

〉Besides, I am reading “The Expanding Universe (Essential Science Series)”.
〉I am really enjoying both books now.

I'm a great fan of science books and magazines myself.
fumi-san, はにまるさん、and apple-san might want to share
information of science reading as well. Let keep in touch and
compare notes on the topic.

All the best




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