Journey to the center of the Earth, and other books

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198. Journey to the center of the Earth, and other books

お名前: けん
投稿日: 2003/10/18(23:26)


Now, I was little bored with "Journey to the Center of the Earth".
That story does not advance quickly. The heroes do not get down to depths of the earth easily.

I read already one third of the book. But there are many stories before their journey to the center of the earth.
So I decided to read the book until the page they go down the hole.
After that, if I feel it is boring, I will throw out the book.

By the way, I passed the 3,500,000 words today.
Of course I have been reading “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, but I read another books at the same time.
For example, some R. Dahl’s books: such as “Esio Trot”, “The Enormous Crocodile”.
I also read some picture books: for example, “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig”.

Now, I am reading R. Dahl’s “Boy”. That is R. Dahl’s tales of his own childhood.
Besides, I am reading “The Expanding Universe (Essential Science Series)”.
I am really enjoying both books now.

Happy reading!



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