Re: 1-Year Anniversary of Extensive Reading

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189. Re: 1-Year Anniversary of Extensive Reading

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2003/10/12(15:57)


Hi, Kenn-san.
This is Moring.

〉Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated my 1-year anniversary in SSS Extensive Reading.
〉We drank wine to the anniversary. I would like to report a little.
Congraturation for your 1-year anniversary and your good wife.

〉I started SSS-E.R. at October 12th, 2002. And I got totally 3,425,256 words now.
〉In addition, what another good thing is my wife has gotten nearly 1,750,000 words.
Wow! Your wife is also Tadoku-reader?
You might buy many books and cost many money.
But if your wife read same books, the cost comes half. That's good.

I think you have good pace. It's almost 3-monthes for 1 million words?
I want to do Tadoku-Reading on same pace as you.
I hope you continue to read and keep your pace.
Also I ask you to advice other Tadoku-reader for helping.
Because you had read over 3 millions words and I guess the number of persons
who had read over 3 millions words is not so many.

〉2 books -----Traci Lords ”Underneath It All
I remember my promiss.
But, I'm sorry, I had not read this book still now.
I will read it before when I finish up 1 million words.
Any way how many words does this book have?

〉※ I enjoyed E.R., and I really appreciate SSS-method.
I feel same, too.

Happy reading you at all !



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