English vocaburaly buildin' is comin' my way?

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[う〜む] 1200. English vocaburaly buildin' is comin' my way?

お名前: 赤いダイヤ
投稿日: 2016/9/12(01:12)


I really face on my english level is lower,less than i order for myself.Especially,when i read the english book(not GR books),i always feel on my skills for english comprehension skills is that i need to improve more and more.Maybe,i have enough english words to read english books or documents what i want or need to read them.Umn,i insist that my english books i read is that i feel on doing that i
get tired,from such as 'Judy Moody'to Business books that i wanna read for example is Peter Drucker's books and more.In almost case is that due to my occupation is trader so,i have the books is that is written for us,sure a bunch of traders.Among us is very famous books are 'The market wizards'or any kinds of relative books uncountable that i could never up on this site,now.anyway,i wanna make my english level or words in my brain up or up more and more.BTW,when i read the english books whatever that is the books are written for ages 4~8,i always face on the words i do not know.When i feel like that what do i do?I better search for the word in my nglish monolingual dictionary?Or,i might make my own english words notebook for to improve my vocaburaly step by step like almost japanse students do for enter the japanese university,you know exam as english,not TOEFL or IELTS exam.
Ah-oh,umh,i always think about this issues,so my brain working is absolutely stop this stage.Ah,(laugh),i remember the famous sentence is 'Rome was not build in a day' or There is no royal road for learning any subjects'.a bit wrong?my memory is not so brilliant same as japanese senior high students have.Oh,what do i better for my turbulance points in my english learning step for next i wanna go.i do not know or understand what should i do better way i do?You know about this issue,please teach me or give me your opinion,if you have about this terrible point i have,if you have enough time or power to do for me.I anyway,enhance up my english level and i wanna be the person he(sure me) could read the english books that he wanna do without fatigue feeling.Thanx.See you on this site!Take your time reading english books with your fun,sure yes!By Red Diamond.Buonna notte!Tutti!


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