Re: Let me write a poem.

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1196. Re: Let me write a poem.

お名前: ミッシェル
投稿日: 2014/12/17(22:06)


Dear fauree1845-san,

Nice poem. It is kind of lyric and beautiful. You have talent of the music and the art.
The poem seems to be a local song with a calm melody.
If there is work to be done, it might be better that several rhymes are constructed, as Sunif-San said.

Writing poem is difficult to me, because I am familiar to write theoretical sentences.
I love to weave so concrete and fixed explanations that no one would understand incorrect. (I know everyone don't like it)
Still now, however, I can't write in such a way in English and I like to read your poem.!
In fact, reading and writing are such a different things. :-) (by the way, this is Kaomoji. You should look at it vertically.)




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