I'm so glad to be called me with my hanlde name here.

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1187. I'm so glad to be called me with my hanlde name here.

お名前: fauree1845
投稿日: 2014/11/25(00:09)


Thank you for paying me a compliment.

〉I always enjoy your messages and tories.
〉You two are great because you are keeping to write and I want to keep the pace with you.

Now, I'm trying something new so I can't write new messages or stories often. But I wanted to give you a reply even if it's short.

〉Unfortunately, I don't have any talent of story-telling like Hiiragi-san, so I'll pick up some topics to talk about from the books I recently read.

Neither do I. I can't become a writer.

〉In English, I've been reading "The Lock Artist" recommended by wkempff-san. Though wkempff-san and some extensive readers said that it is easy to understand for its length (over 1,200,000 words), I found that it is not so easy. The spoken language of teenagers is hard to catch the point for me and I'm reading very slowly. Just now, I've read just half of it.

Oh, you've read about 600,000 words! I haven't read even one short graded reader over this autumn.

〉In German, I've just finished "Magic Tree House vol.1-4". German and English are really close languages so "Magic Tree House" (in English) is written into "Magischen Baumhaus" (in German). "Tree" (E) is "Baum" (G) and "House" (E) is "Haus" (B), but German tends to attached two or more words into just one word (noun) so they turn into not "Baum Hause" but "Baumhaus". I think this way is suprisingly similar to Japanese.

I don't have any German knowledge but I love so-called "ジャーマンポテト".(I have no idea what to translate this food into English!)

〉In French, I bought "Frozon"(アナ雪) DVD and enjoy it. Actually, I have three DVDs of "Frozen", of course in Japanese (and English), in French (and English and Framan), and in German (and English and Turkish). In French version, all of the characters speak much much more sentences than caption shown in the bottom of the screen!
〉By the way, "Frozon" is famous for its nice insert songs and I think Japanese version is the best of all.

I don't agree with you. I prefer English version to Japanese one.

Actually, I haven't watched the movie at all.

〉Happy writing!!

SSS's last phrases are nice, aren't they?



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