Re: Dear Michael-san

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1186. Re: Dear Michael-san

お名前: ミッシェル
投稿日: 2014/11/14(15:27)


Dear Hiiragi-san,

〉Thousand thanks! I always fears if someone read these.

I'm delighted to hear that. I surely read them.

〉Please, please. I'm all ears.

You must be all eyes! Ha ha.

〉I also found teenager's language difficult. Though I like Princess Diaries, it is not easy like old-fashioned historical novels. And that tons of Brand names!

I see the point.
Nancy Drew original series were tough to me. They were also written in old-fashioned way.
There're many Brand names in Princess Diaries? The princess like so called Brands?

〉But you read through half of it, right? Another half is easier, I think.

You are right.
Now I am passing around the pont of three fourth. I started to think I may be able to finish it.

〉Oh, I watched German Language course on TV (the one Kohby, Katsura Kobeicho's), and learned that German are language that create new words by putting up two words in one. So Magic Tree house has two words name in German. It's interesting, interesting. I'm inclined to the new language in this way.

Yes, finding some new ideas in different languages are really interesting.
Similality in grammar of German and French is also fun.

〉You have three "Frozen" ? Maketah! I only have books. Well, come to think about it, I have Nausicaa of Valley of the Wind in French. But I even didn't watch it through the end. Your Tachou are simply great. And you had opinion about which one is the best. You must watched these through and through.

Actually, I don't have the book. If I find any at the library, I want to read it.
I have Nausicaa's DVD in German, but don't watch it very much, too! (You reminded me having it)
Frozen is better than Nausicaa, if you are trying to do Tachou, since it is like musicals. Sings are easy to listen.

〉By the way, Japanese version of "Frozen" has two singer, I hear. I think it Matsu Takako and May, J. Which one do you like better?

Absolutely, Matsu Takako is better.
Though I don't like her high-tone voice as an actress, her voice muches the image of Elsa and "let it go".

You live in Hokkaido. It has been cold yet?
Please take care of yourself, and don't catch a cold.

See ya.



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