A cat bought medicine (semi-fiction)

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1182. A cat bought medicine (semi-fiction)

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2014/11/7(08:53)


A Chinese herbal medicine store.

“Oh, Mr White, it’s you. So your boy has fever again? Here, banrankon, as usual.”

“Thank you. He did go to see the doctor, but I’m still worrying about him.”

When I home, I returned to the cat form. I tore open a package of banrankon and pour it into the cup of the kid. Soon, his mother will pour the cup to sweetened ginger tea from late Kobayashi Katsuyo’s recipes. It is a good thing to drink banrankon with ginger. I prepare my treatment to the lad and went to his room.

When the kid has fever, he talks talks and talks.

“Oh, Whity, it’s you. Was mother made banrankon tea for me? She always make that when I have cold. I don’t know where she got the idea. She is never a herbal medicine person. Maybe she just cooked some hakusai and gobou, then lied it is a medicine. It tastes like that. And was she cooked that chicken and rice soup? That’s my favorite. “

It’s banrankon! Traditional Chinese herbal medicine for the cold. But I felt sorry for the kid as always. He is allergic to eggs, so he can’t take tamago-gayu when he catches cold.

“You know, I was crazy about “A Little Princess” recently, and the librarian recommended me to Nanjou Takenori’s “Dolittle-sensei-no-igirisu”. I read that book. It is about social class in the Great Britain. Then I read “A Little Princess” again. It seems like an entirely another book to me. What I got were just some knowledge about social class. And that makes a lot of difference to my reading. I don’t like much about “A Little Princess” after that. Because, Sara is always the Princess and something happens to her, but Becky is always a maid upon whom nothing happens. I feel sorry for Becky.”

The kid’s mother came in.

“You talk much again, don’t you? Here, your favorite dishes and medicine. And ginger tea with some herbal medicine. I don’t know how your dad come up with the idea of Chinese herbal medicines. But it worked. Drink it carefully. It’s still hot.”

“Mother, Blacky gave me two four leaf clovers, a five leaf clover, and a six leaf clover. But too many of clovers in such a short time is looks like not a many good luck. Like three leaf clovers.”

Blacky, why didn’t you took time longer? It makes clovers more precious.


Don’t you know the sayings that “even monkeys can regret”?

“Mother, Whity is sooo good to cuddle. Is there some pillow like him?”

Don’t make a pillow out of my fur! I’ll catch cold in winter.

“And as I watched Whity, I want to eat a cup of ice cream.”

“You’ll have it. But first, eat the dishes and take the medicine.”

How right am I to bought some ice cream after banrankon!


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