I am a cat who read the books

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1171. I am a cat who read the books

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2014/9/20(23:03)


Lately, the kid in the house now I’m in, is reading books a lot. He likes grown-up books. Thick fat ones that tastes are heavy. He likes “Daichi-no-ko”, “Galaxy heroic legend” and “1984”. Laddy, “1984” is too difficult for even me.

I yawned. Last night’s reading is a bit too long and late in the hour. I was sleepy. But then, the kid was looked up from the book he was reading (Kurimoto Kaoru’s “Mokurensou-kitan” at that!), and said.

“Mom, someone has been reading my books. Bookmarks are missing.”

“But I never saw you were using proper bookmarks. It must be your dad.” said the mother.

“But it happens when I came home from school. It mustn’t be dad. Hey! Whity’s tail’s twitching. He knows something.”

I don’t know nothing! I wanted to scream.

“Firstly, tell me. What bookmarks you were using?”

“My blanket, another thin books, postcards and some paper happened to be there.”

The blanket was using as bookmark!? I just pulled it out and read the book. It was “1984”.

“As you say so, I remember that someone is using my Kindle recently.” The kid’s mother eyeing her husband who sleeps on the sofa.

“What does he reading?”

“Well, history books. Like Prescott or Martin Hume.”

“Is it not cost the money?”

“No, he downloaded these from Project Gutenberg. He read Arsene Lupin in French, Sherlock Holmes in Spanish as well as original English and French, oh and he likes Jules Verne.”

“Mom, it isn’t father’s doings. He doesn’t read French or Spanish.”

“But he is fluent in English and was in South America and Africa. Maybe he picked up the languages there.”

“No, mom. It must be Whity. He sweats like when I locked him up in the bathroom.”

“You did what?” cried the mother.

The kid gasped. “I did nothing. I just teased Whity and tested if he was a Bakeneko or not.”

“Then you know now that Whity is not a Bakeneko.”

Of course I’m not. I’m a holy cat.

“Don’t be silly, mom. Bakenekos pretend like real cats. They are clever as the devil. And I dreamed such a bad dream that night. He revenged me.”

“Don’t be silly. You are reading too many Japanese folklore. What is the name of that Psycho person? You shouldn’t read his Yanagita Kunio books. But I’m glad you are young enough to believe in Bakenekos. I used to worry that you were too precocious. You are only ten years old. Read more of the children’s books. What about Poppen-sensei?”

“I read the series so much that I feel like I can recite the whole books by heart. No, I want grown-up books. It is more fun.”

You must read Kadono Kouhei, “A Certain Magical Index”, Sakaki Ichiro and Ureshino Akihiko, laddy. These are not grown-up books, but very good reading. Why you aren’t visit the public library with me? I’ll show you the corner of the Young Adult books. I visit public library almost every night and knew a whole lot.

“Public library, public library, public library.” I mumbled under the breath. It worked when I fought against Dr John Dee. And after that, he taught me a bunch of useful tricks.

“Your dad is saying that you should go to the library. Go there and find the books that suits your ages.”

“Yes, mom.”

It worked! Hee-hoo!

“Mom, Whity is doing a comical dance. He was a usual cat, after all.”


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