Re: I missed the point

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1168. Re: I missed the point

お名前: ミッシェル
投稿日: 2014/9/20(17:34)


Hi, both of you.
I have another point.

I think that we just have different views of English, because each of us has different aim, that might be just at hand or much like a life work) of English.

I know fauree-san loves to be a proficient user of English with friquently skills. Perhaps langulage has imoprtance in his professionals, music.
You aim not only to enjoy English but also to communicate by English with forighner effortlessly.

Hiiragi-san and me are just language-lovers, Tadokists.
We are enjoying langulages itselves when we read books and what is important is "we can read and understand books".

In fact, fauree-san's goal is much much higher than those of the general Tadokists. So fauree-san is not sufficient his level yet and having a feeling as "learner". But we think you'are already "user"!!

By the way, I have been changing my aim since last year.
I'd like to become a proficient user, too!!



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