Writing this and that

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/7/17(18:04)]

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1163. Writing this and that

お名前: fauree1845
投稿日: 2014/9/13(20:43)


1. Writing something

I'm writing this message not because I want to something to say but because I just want to practice writing in English.

Simple but appropriate words come directly into other's heart but I've had difficulty with doing it.

Slowly by slowly I've learnt to write quickly and simply but it hasn't been so great.

The most difficult thing is changing the style on the right timing, place or occasion. I can hardly work on correcting my style to more proper one.

My style is quite persistent so it's not so flexible that I can't say many kinds of things, write deep or profound words, or make it clearer.

I'm learning a lot by writing something important to me but I don't want it to end in only my own satisfaction.

I want to write the next, or I think I'd like to express them further more or in detail.

I know I'm challenfing difficult thing.

But still, I think that's worth doing so.

2. Making conversations right

Communicating to foreigner in English is much more difficult.

Things are always going on so mistake can't be deleted, especially commarcial situation, situations with tension.
(purchacing something, correcting your mistake or saying something which is difficult for you)

And I don't understand foreigners' jokes.

Am I being teased or, just funny thing is happening ?

Are they rough people who are dis honest or am I doing a severe mistake ?

There are too many things which I don't know.

Of course, I've got some knowledge for me to communicating 30~40% of people who can speak English.

Sometimes conversations are made very quickly and made by only a few words or sentences so I'm supposed to make a huge mistake once I've misheard the whole part of the conversation.

Some people tend to make group so when I'm sitting or standing by them, these kind of mishearing has made me quite enbarrassed.

3. Now am I an English learner, or a user ?

I've experienced some occasions in which real communications have been taken so far.

Some kind people are torelant or make my mistake correct or say a somithing making me comforatble.

Other people have made their facial expressions stern or have just ignored, of course sometimes I've been shouted by them.

Once something like a unite which get us closer has happened, mistake is no longer only mistake.

I'm learning English but at the same time I'm using English, aren't I ?

That's a difficult question because interactivity is very important.

But it's also true for a one-way outputting not to be just learning.

Am I right ?

I don't understand.

That's why I'm writing these theme in English.


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