Re: Thanks a lot

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1147. Re: Thanks a lot

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2014/7/11(08:21)


〉Hi, Hiiragi-san.

Hello, Michelle-san.

〉〉I am now a high school student. At this age, hah hah.

〉Great! If you want to study now, it must be the best time for you to do so.
〉Though I don't have any hint of your age, I think you're younger than me.

Actually, I was born on the 15th century's England. Then travelled to Spain, France. Now I live in Hokkaido.

〉〉In my school, age does not matter. One day I mistook a classmate for a teacher. Because he talks like a teacher. No one can say who is the teacher and who is the students without looking name card.

〉How funny. It seems like universities in Germany. I've heard that they go to schools or universities just based on their mind. For exapmle, we have to enter an elementary school exactly at the fixed timing in Japan, but in Germany they have another option like "My son is studying slowly, so he will enter the elemenrtary school next year!". It is really good.

I here, in Japan, there was such thing but only to Shogaiji. Now, there are no such thing.

〉〉I like world history and Gendaishakai a lot. Few months ago, I learned about China's first emperor. But it is much detailed when Anju-san write about him in Keijiban.

〉You must love the subjects! You (and Anju-san) are some genius.

I just love history. I can't say nengo.

〉〉In my weak subject is Kokugo. I don't know why because I read a tons of book in Japanese. I'm good at Kanji, though.

〉You have weakness in Kokugo...? I doubt it.
〉But the way to teach Kokugo at school might not suit to you. It is looked ike the problem in English; the theachers often teach the grammer so hard without the sence of the language.
〉Oh, I remember that I didn't like the question like " What is the point for the author to say? ". I always thought "How stupid question. He/she wants to say many things and let readers think about them by their own!"

In my school, there is a book to look at. The teacher just said, 'look at XX page. There is the answer". I think "What the author wants to say?"'s answer is "Just ask him or her. They are still living! But if you ask me, I think XX" and had a bad note.

〉〉I'm not bad in English. But I misspelled and made error in past tense of basic words. So I began to teach myself English. I read a lot, yet I didn't write and read aloud. As I teach my self English in different ways than Tadoku, I began to write English.

〉I'm also delighted to hear your way to learn English.
〉Everyone in Tadoku-books, like Ramona, Judy Moody, and so on, is also studying how to spell words so hard. (I can't remember the name of the famous spelling test which is to spell a word aloud one character at a time... we often see it in Tadoku-books...Oh, how frustrated!!)

When I watched Full House, there is some spelling contest. Is it the test what you said? There is even a trophy. English spelling is so irregular.(Now spell checker lined the word irregular.) Some are French, other German, Latin, even Spanish. How it spell don't matched with how it sounds.

〉〉I'm not good at writing. But I want to write in this Keijiban. Now I writing English as lined by word checker countless times. I'll begin to practice spell, I decided.

〉Your writing is great(even though you use some tools)!
〉I want to write sentences in English for preparation of next Cambridge test!! Let's activate this Keijiban together!!


〉〉Thank you a lot for reading.

〉Thanks for your write here! See you soon.

Thank you for writing back!



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