From my pet budgerigar's diary

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1112. From my pet budgerigar's diary

お名前: 久子
投稿日: 2008/2/9(11:50)


This article is a fiction.
If you don't know what a budgerigar is.
See this URL

2008 New Year

I want to vacation with my girlfriend!
I always say to her "Come with me. Let's play together."
But she doesn't get out from a mirror.
Doesn't she love me?
Does she have boyfriend in the mirror?

I love so much her.
I want her to be my chick's mother!
If I beg her much harder this year.
She will love me.

One month later

My girlfriend got out and never came back my home.
I live alone in my big lonely cage.
I don’t know why doesn’t she live with me.
Maybe she got new boyfriend and wants to break out with me.
I love her so much.
I don’t want to lose her.
What should I do?

When I met her on a desk, I said her “I’d like to live with you again. Please come back.”
She didn’t come with me.
She stayed at the desk.
Was she waiting her boyfriend?

#You know his girlfriend is his own reflection.
#His mirror was broken.
#I want to buy new one for him.
#But I can’t find it, he must wait.
#On top of the desk is sleek and smooth like mirror.
#He can meet her any time he wants.

One week later

I’m very happy now!
Do you know why?
Of course you do not. I will tell you.

She came back to my home!!!!
I’m busy to sing love song to her.
I feed her.
(In our world an attractive male is a good feeder.)
I eat much and give her.
But she has no good appetite.
What’s wrong?
I’d like to have seduction with her.

#I bought him a mirror at last.
#He was very pleased.
#He is looking into the mirror all day.
#He wants not to lose her again.


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